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Clean Water for Infants FAQs: Your Questions Answered on SolarBag and Safe Water


What is the SolarBag?
The SolarBag is a sunlight-activated reusable water purifier that destroys or removes the broadest range of contaminants without pumping, power source, chemicals or replaceable components. Simply place the SolarBag in the sun for a few hours, and enjoy treated water.
What plastic is the bag and lid made from?
The water contact surfaces of the bag and lid are all polyethylene.
Has the SolarBag been tested for plastic migration from the bag?
We have no test results on plastic migration from the bag into the water being treated, but we did select the water contact materials in the bag to avoid this problem. The water contact surfaces of the bag and lid are certified by our vendor to have passed FDA, USP Class VI and cytotoxicity testing and are BPA free.
What makes the SolarBag better than other products?
No other product available on the market will reduce as many contaminants, metals and pathogens as the SolarBag, nor will it be as simple to use.
How much water can I purify in a SolarBag? Can it be reused?
The SolarBag treats up to 3 liters of water at a time, several times per day and can be reused hundreds of times.
How does the SolarBag purify water?
Inside the SolarBag is a nanotechnology coated mesh insert, which is activated by the UV rays of the sun. This initiates a purification process which includes five separate photochemical actions addressing more contaminants than any other portable water treatment product.
Explain how photocatalysis works.
Under the appropriate wavelength of light, our catalyst becomes excited and generates an electron hole pair that can participate in redox reactions. The result of these redox reactions are oxidation compounds that will degrade organic compounds and microbiological matter.
How does the SolarBag remove metals from the water?
Transition and heavy metals are subject to adsorption, photo-oxidation and photo-reduction reactions in the SolarBag. Reactions will proceed based on the metal and the water quality.
How is the mesh insert affected by metals build up?
Adsorption of a metal can eventually saturate the mesh’s ability to remove that metal from water. If that happens, the performance of the mesh in removing organic contaminants or even other metals may improve or degrade, depending on the specific chemical composition of the water.
How long does it take the SolarBag to purify the water?
The Puralytics® SolarBag requires only sunlight to treat water. Treatment is fastest with intense sunlight and is further accelerated with increasing water temperature.
What kind of water can I put in the SolarBag?
Water from any fresh water source is suitable for the SolarBag. This typically includes rain water, well water, lake water, and river water.
Will the SolarBag remove salts, chloride or fluoride from the water?
No. The SolarBag is not a desalination system. Fill the SolarBag from fresh water sources only.
Has the shelf life been tested?
Puralytics’ shelf life rating was determined based on the materials used in its fabrication which are commonly used materials that have been tested by the individual material suppliers.
How does the shelf life change once you start using it?
The life for a bag in use can extensive if it is handled properly. The end of bag life will be after the 7 years or after several hundred uses.
How long does the nanotechnology mesh insert last?
The nanotechnology coated insert is not consumed when the SolarBag is used; it merely serves as a catalyst converting the solar energy to activate the purification processes.
What do I do with the water after it has been purified?
Once the water has been purified, use it or pour it into a clean container for drinking or storage.
Does the SolarBag have any kind of certification?
The SolarBag has been tested to the US EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers for inactivation of bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts in a challenge water defined by the EPA.
How do I know when the SolarBag is done purifying the water? When is the water ready?
We recommend 3 hours in direct sunlight and 6 hours on a cloudy day. You can test the performance of your SolarBag by performing a simple test using the food safe Pur-Blue Process Timer. Simply add one drop of the Pur-Blue to the SolarBag after you have filled it with water, then place the SolarBag in the sun as normal. When the blue water dims in colour to almost clear, the water has been treated.
How do I know if the SolarBag is still working? How do I know when it is no longer working?
Perform the Pur-Blue test to determine if the SolarBag is still working. The colour will not degrade in the SolarBag in sunlight if it is no longer functioning properly. If the blue colour does not go away after a full day of sunlight exposure on a sunny day, repeat the test for a second time for confirmation.
Do you have to use the Pur-Blue every time to check the water has been purified?
The Pur-Blue is a visual indicator to how well the SolarBag is performing based on changes in the sun exposure, number of bag uses, and water quality. Using Pur-Blue will slightly extend the treatment time for the bag but can be used every time. Periodic checks with the Pur-Blue are recommended in lieu of every sample batch.
Why is a pre-filter attached to the SolarBag?
It is important to use. The pre-filter removes larger particles like grains of sand, leaves, and sediment from the water as its being poured into the SolarBag. Tests have shown the pre-filter removes particulates, as small as 100 microns. Despite this relatively large size it also helps remove parasites like cryptosporidium.
How do I use the attached pre-filter?
Remove the cap and insert the pre-filter into the SolarBag. Stretch and fold the elastic to secure it around the opening to the SolarBag. Pour the source water through the pre-filter until the bag is full. Remove the pre-filter and replace the cap.
How do I clean the pre-filter?
The pre-filter can be gently washed by hand or you can routinely rinse the pre-filter as needed by folding it inside out and pouring filtered water back through it.
Does the pre-filter have any kind of certification?
The simple answer: The pre-filter was tested as part of the SolarBag to the US EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers for inactivation of bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts in a challenge water defined by the EPA.
How does the pre-filter compare to the mesh insert?
The pre-filter removes larger particles (>100 micrometers) but allows dissolved species to pass through. The mesh insert treats the dissolved species in the water but is not intended to act as a filter.
What is the pre-filter made from?
The pre-filter is a Pellon fabric, and acts as a particle filter, with a nominal 100 micrometer pore size rating. It is intended to keep out debris such as gravel, sticks and hair.
Can I use really turbid water in the SolarBag?
As a general guideline, turbid water should not be used in a SolarBag and another water source should be used. If another water source is not available, pour the turbid water into a separate container and allow the suspended solids to settle before pouring only the top, clear portion of the water into the SolarBag.
Why is the water still tea-coloured after being treated in the SolarBag?
The SolarBag does not make all tea-coloured water clear. The tea-colour typically results from two sources, either dissolved organics or suspended solids from natural sources. Any of the suspended solids that get passed the pre-filter will not completely clear in the SolarBag.
Is tea-coloured water safe to drink?
For best results using the SolarBag the water should be without colour. This typically includes rain water, well water, lake water, and river water. It is important to remember that turbid water does not necessarily indicate unsafe water. The SolarBag was tested in turbid, dark coloured water and met the EPA guidelines for a water purifier in those conditions.
Is it safe to drink from the same cap that the SolarBag is filled from?
The SolarBag cap threads are designed to push water out and cannot retain a significant volume of water in the threads. In addition, the pre-filter protects the cap section from contaminated water while filling and any spilled water should evaporate during the treatment time.
Has the SolarBag been tested for leak, puncture and drop tests?
We have done testing of the bag in these areas. The laminate comprising the bag is designed to resist puncture, although of course it is possible to puncture it with sharp objects.
Can I repair the SolarBag if it starts to leak?
Small leaks can be repaired with clear packing/box tape or superglue. If the SolarBag has large leaks it should be properly discarded.
When should I stop using the SolarBag?
If there is a significant leak in the SolarBag or if it can no longer pass the Pur-Blue Integrity test in sunlight, then the SolarBag is no longer working to Puralytics’ specifications and should stop being used.
How do I properly dispose of the SolarBag?
Cut the SolarBag open at the base and remove the mesh insert. Dispose of the insert as nontoxic solid waste. The bag can then be recycled as Type 7 plastic (mixed). Check with your local waste management provider to ensure proper disposal.
Can the SolarBag be hung vertically?
The horizontal position (label side DOWN) will collect more solar intensity so will purify faster than a bag in a vertical position. The provided treatment time guidelines will not be valid in the vertical position, therefore, we do not recommend using the vertical orientation.