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Clean Water for Infants: Ensuring Safe Water for Mothers and Children Globally

Clean Water For Infants

Leading Professors & Doctors associated with Global Innovation Centre for Advanced Nanomaterial and 
one of the World’s leading manufacturers & exporters of medical devices have partnered with Cleaner 
Health Foundation & Clean Water Solutions to design a cutting-edge, incredibly efficient, carry-with-you 
at all times, 3 litre, Reusable Sunlight-Activated Nanotech Water Purifier (RSANWP).

Just one RSANWP provides a mother absolute independence. A mother can offer her child the nutritional value of Infant formulas without being comprominsed by poor quality water.

  • The technological innovation within the highly sophisticated Electrospun Nanofibre water purification material is undoubtably the most significant breakthrough in managing broad spectrum drinking water quality
  • The 3-litre bag has been designed to be conveniently carried with you each and every day
  • No purification tablets or chemicals required, just a short period of time in the sunlight
  • Reusable, over and over each day for up to 12 months
  • Play a critical first responder essential health device.
    …Natural disasters & victims of wars & displacement of citizens
  • 785,000,000 people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water.
    …In Australia most children & adults carry clean drinking water with them each day

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International Marketing Partners

Clean water for Infants has proudly partnered with Globalconnexions as our International Marketing Partners.


Worldwide water purifier for mothers and their children

At Clean Water for Infants, we are helping mothers across the world create a safer and healthier environment for our children. Finding pure water can be a challenge in many different areas of the world, so we are committed to supplying reliable, affordable and effective water purifiers worldwide.

World Map of SolarBag Deployments

Our Goal

At Clean Water for Infants, we are passionate about creating a world where all children have access to clean and safe water - wherever they live. As water quality and cleanliness varies across the world, our solar activated reusable water purifier is a simple, cheap and easy way to ensure all children receive high quality water for health, wellbeing and development.

Benefits of Purified Water

  • Purified Water is essential to the health of a breast feeding mother.
  • Purified Water capitalises on the nutritional value of infant formulas and powdered milks.
  • Purified Water reduces the medical dependency on a more often than not struggling medical aid.
  • Purified Water minimises the risk of water-borne diseases for both mother and child.
  • Easy to carry and use, providing mothers with the freedom to travel and go about daily activities.
  • Environmentally friendly, using sunlight and LED light energy instead of chemicals for purification.
  • Fast purification process, making it convenient for busy mothers.
  • Cost-effective, reducing the need to buy bottled water or other expensive water treatment solutions.
  • Enhances the taste of water by removing impurities, making it more pleasant for children to drink.
  • Promotes self-reliance and empowerment for mothers by giving them control over water quality.
  • Safe for all ages, making it a universal solution for the family's water needs.
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2017 New Materials Award
2014 Most Innovative and Disruptive Water Technology
2013 Global Honor Award for Drinking Water Supply
2013 BlueTech Innovation Tracker Award
2012 Top 8 Best Water Investment
2012 5 Star GIIRS Rating from BLabs
2011 Global Cleantech 100 and Most Fundable
2011 Best Cleantech Investment
2011 Top 50 Water Technology Company
2011 Finalist in the Cleantech category
2010 Finalist Water and Energy Efficiency
2010 National Grandprize, Best Business
2010 Water Investment Idol